Gun violence killed 45,222 Americans in 2020 alone.1 And it's not slowing down.
California's Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) is an important tool to prevent mass shootings. Our free online GVRprO certification helps Californians learn about GVROs, how to obtain one, and why they work. NeverAgainCA's award-winning GVRO training course was developed in collaboration with Speak For Safety and will become available online later this year. For police officers, judges, and attorneys looking to learn about GVROs, please contact San Diego City Attorney Mara W. Elliott.
California state law requires that guns be stored safely around kids - because Safe Storage saves lives. We're leading the SafeStorageCA coalition - to make it easier than ever to contact your superintendent and make sure they know (and remind families) about this important legal requirement.
Family fire refers to a shooting caused by someone having access to a gun from the home when they shouldn't have it. This includes children as well as those who display behavior that indicates they could harm themselves or others. Family fire is preventable. Store your guns safely - locked, unloaded, and away from ammo - and help keep everyone safe.
Learn more →California's Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) is an important tool that works alongside GVROs, helping to prevent domestic violence (with a firearm or otherwise). Our free online DVRprO certification helps Californians learn about DVROs, how to obtain one, and why they work.
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